Hi everyone!
If you've found our blog, it's most likely because you've liked our Facebook page. (Thanks!) If you haven't already, please like us. :) Why? We're trying to take FULL advantage of this little thing called social media to get our name out there. This is how –
Including our website (www.led-kinetics.com), we are now on . . .
Facebook (www.facebook.com/ledkinetics)
YouTube (www.YouTube.com/user/ledkinetics)
and blogging, here on blogspot.com by the name…. LED-Kinetics!
Yes, thanks for noticing all of our shameless plugs! We'd really appreciate your 'likes', subscriptions, and comments on all our outlets. We’ve already posted some videos on YouTube, which, I think, are pretty cool. Check them out – and give us some feedback in what you want to see next.
So here’s a bit of who we are:
We are a company trying to make a little bit of a difference through educating and introducing LED lights and lighting solutions to anyone who will listen. LED lights are the best alternative to all of the inefficient choices in lighting. Not only do they reduce a user’s carbon footprint, they will reduce his/her electricity bill – and the lights are just plain awesome. There are so many different possibilities with LEDs that it’s mind blowing. With research and development of this technology advancing, LEDs will progressively become the main source of lighting within the near future. It’s just the smartest solution – eco-friendly, beautiful, long lasting lighting. Who has an argument against that?
So anyway – we’ve spent a lot of time (over a year) researching the technology, market, and benefits of LED lights. One of our partners has spent more than 10 years as an Electrical Contractor and has worked with LED lights – so we had an upper hand with his knowledge. The more we researched, the more we realized that we couldn't help but spread the word on LEDs. We were becoming too passionate to let it sit as an idea. We then made the decision to dive into our new business, spending months scouting and talking to different manufacturers of LED lighting, preparing our business plan, and finally, spending the whole month May meeting with the manufacturers that stood out - traveling across the world to find QUALITY lights that will be in price competition with the less-quality value brands.
Our meetings with Stonlite were distinctive to the other manufacturers because their product was exactly what we were looking for, their facilities were impressive, and their people were amazing. They were equally impressed with our knowledge and drive. Stonlite has had other American entrepreneurs approach them wanting to partner up, but turned them down because they just didn’t know what they were talking about. We are now the sole distributors of these lights in the U.S. and plan on making Stonlite Lights a household name.
Our meetings with Stonlite were distinctive to the other manufacturers because their product was exactly what we were looking for, their facilities were impressive, and their people were amazing. They were equally impressed with our knowledge and drive. Stonlite has had other American entrepreneurs approach them wanting to partner up, but turned them down because they just didn’t know what they were talking about. We are now the sole distributors of these lights in the U.S. and plan on making Stonlite Lights a household name.
We plan on doing some retrofits (physically replacing standard, inefficient lighting to LED lighting ourselves), web marketing and sales, and distributing these lights for the mainstream market.
If you follow our blog, you’ll learn more of the benefits & advantages of LED lights, see some of the projects we’re working on, and get a better perspective of who we are and what we do.
Thanks for reading. Thanks again for subscribing and liking our Facebook & YouTube pages (wink wink)!
Don’t forget to visit our main website.
Don’t forget to visit our main website.
Oh! By the way, feedback please on the Evolution of Lighting graphic up there. Too busy? Or is it ok? All feedback is greatly appreciated!
- - LED Kinetics
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